
Noun I pe·tri dish I \ˈpÄ“-trÄ“ ˈpet.riËŒdɪʃ-\
1 : a small shallow dish used especially for cultures in bacteriology
2 : something (as a place or situation) that fosters development or innovation
driften [2016] on tour
The man without qualities, homo economicus, homo sociologicus, fractalis homo, homo erraticus... Under our masks and in the shadow of the crowd, we would all be chameleons wandering through the mass in order to seek our individuality. It is this existential paradox of "postmodern" man that Driften seeks to highlight.
Between solitude and togetherness, 6 characters crushed by the weight of social conventions that has made of them what they are unaware of being, gather on the night of the autumnal equinox when the day is equal to the night.
Together they will do something one does to not completely vanish without fighting, to not go through life pretending to live ones life.
Just to be able to state: we lived at that time. And at that time we were just so.
Concept and direction : Anna Nilsson & Sara Lemaire
Created and performed by : Viola Baroncelli - Nilda Martinez - Carlo Massari - Anna Nilsson - Jef Stevens
Set design: Sara Lemaire - Anna Nilsson - Hugues Girard
Light design : Rémy Urbain / Hugues Girard
Sound design : Hugues Girard / Tonin Bruneton
Technical direction : Hugues Girard
Technician : Tonin Bruneton
Set construction : Shann Perradin, Marco Colabucci, ASBL Devenirs - Latitude 50°, Hugues Girard, Anna Nilsson, Sara Lemaire
Choreographic advise : HunMok Jung
Production : Babafish vzw / I.S.E. asbl
Photo: Kenneth Rawlinson
With the support of :
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Direction générale de la Culture, Service général des Arts de la Scène, Service du Cirque, des Arts Forains et de la Rue & Konstnärsnämnden
Co-productions :
Halles de Schaerbeek - Centre des Arts Scéniques - Dommelhof/Theater Op De Markt
Partners :
Circuscentrum, Le Columban, Destelheide-Vormingcentrum, Espace Catastrophe - Centre International de Création des Arts du Cirque, la Fabrique de Théâtre, KVS, Theatre La Balsamine, Théâtre Marni, Wolubilis Culture.
Décor réalisé (en partie) par l’ATELIER, une formation à la réalisation de décors (devenirs.be - latitude50.be)
Avec l'aide la SACD, La Chaufferie-Acte 1 et Latitude 50 - pôle des arts du cirque et de la rue.